Mainroad North Island Contracting: A warm welcome to North Island Communities!

With the award of BC Provincial highway maintenance contracts for Service Area 2 (Mid-Vancouver Island) and Area 3 (North Vancouver Island), we are delighted to be returning to our Vancouver Island roots,” noted Peter Ashcroft, President and CEO for the Mainroad Group of Companies.

Mainroad’s Operation Team have mobilized crews, equipment and yards in the service area while community outreach with stakeholders and First Nations is underway.  “We really appreciate the support we are receiving from the public and look forward to successfully serving the communities in which the Mainroad Team lives and works,” stated Rick Gill, General Manager for Mainroad Mid and North Island Contracting.

The headquarters and primary works yard for Mainroad North Island Contracting are located in Cumberland with supporting work yards in Campbell River, Gold River, Port McNeill, Sayward and the Gulf Islands of Quadra, Cortes, Denman and Hornby.

To report changing road conditions or emergency situations that could cause a hazard to motorists, pedestrians, and/or cyclists, Mainroad maintains a toll free
24-hour hotline: 1-877-215-7122.

All feedback is logged, and observations are passed onto Operations.  While we encourage the public to report concerns to our 24-hour hotline, we welcome feedback through our other communication channels and invite everyone to follow Mainroad on social media where we will share road and weather advisories and road safety information.

Social Media: Twitter: @mainroadNisland | Facebook: Mainroad North Island Contracting

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