Bid & Tender Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in doing business with the Village of Zeballos!

The Village looks to purchase goods and services in a manner that offers the best overall value to the Village. Effective procurement is an essential service in the public sector to ensure the best value is found and that purchasing decisions are made without bias or favour. It allows an equal opportunity for qualified suppliers to bid for Village business and to maintain a high standard of financial stewardship.

Notices of procurement opportunities are posted on this page, as well as on the BC Bid Website where downloadable documents are available. This allows businesses to easily search, and submit bids for goods, services, and construction projects online.

We encourage all suppliers and vendors to consider the opportunities posted below. Awards shall be made for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and services that will give the greatest value based on quality, service, and price.

View the latest Tender and Bid Opportunities below! Please review carefully before responding. Appropriate contact details will be included in each posting.

Request for Quotes – Zeballos Village Office Wildfire Risk Reductions Access Ramp

Request for Quotes – FireSmart Access Ramp
Sample Contract
Zeballos Office Photos