Annual Reports & Financial Statements

Every year pursuant to the section 98 of the Community Charter, the Village of Zeballos publishes an annual report, which compiles accomplishments in the previous year, goals for the upcoming year, and provides financial information to members of the public. These reports are considered annually before June 30, and adopted after being made available to the public for at least two weeks. The Annual Report includes information on:

⇒ progress on the Village’s goals and objectives for the previous year;
⇒ the goals and objectives for the current year;
⇒ the financial position of the Village as of the end of the previous fiscal year;
⇒ permissive tax exemptions issued by the Village for the previous year;
⇒ disqualifications made pursuant to section 111 of the Community Charter; and,
⇒ any other information Council considers advisable.

Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) Reports

Each year, local governments are required to submit a Statement of Financial Information to the Province.

The Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report includes our audited financial statements and information about:

⇒ remuneration paid to the Mayor and Council
⇒ remuneration paid to employees that exceed $75,000
⇒ amounts paid to suppliers of goods and/or services that exceed $25,000
⇒ grants paid by us to not-for-profit organizations for the reporting year

2023-2026 | Zeballos Strategic Plan

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Seaplane & Municipal Dock | Condition Assessment Report

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Pandora Slough Culvert | Condition Assessment Report

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Village of Zeballos | 2020 Housing Needs Report

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Village of Zeballos | COVID-19 Safety Plan

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Village of Zeballos | Official Community Plan

OCP | Bylaw 330, 1996

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OCP Amendment | Bylaw 345, 1998

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OCP Risk Map

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OCP Development Permit Area Map

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Zeballos, Nuchatlaht, Kyuquot | Integrated Sustainability Plan

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