The Village of Zeballos issues Utility Bills once per year, with the due date coinciding with the Property Tax due date. In 2024, the due date is Tuesday, July 2nd.

What happens if I don’t pay my Utility Bill?

Unpaid Utility Bills become taxes in arrears after December 31 of the current year, and interest starts to accrue on the total unpaid amount. After one year, if still unpaid, this amount and accrued interest become delinquent after December 31. A property with delinquent taxes is subject to tax sale if those taxes are unpaid by the statutory tax sale date which is the last Monday in September each year.

Water Rates

Non-Metered Users

Single Family Dwelling$15.25$183.00
Duplex, Multiple Dwellings, Apartments
(per unit)
B&B, Boarding House
(Base Rate)
B&B, Boarding House
(Per Rentable Room)
Hotel, Motel, Motor Inn
(Base Rate)
Hotel, Motel, Motor Inn
(Per Rentable Room)
Beer Parlor, Pub$15.25$183.00
(per classroom)
Store, Office, Restaurant$15.25$183.00
Non-Profit Organization$15.25$183.00
Seniors Discount25% discountif paid before due date

Metered Users

Water Users with a metered service shall be charged for water measured by a water meter in any one month as follows:

Residential$0.45 per cubic meter or part thereof, computed to the nearest $0.05. Minimum charge of $15.25/month.
Commercial $0.45 per cubic meter or part thereof, computed to the nearest $0.05. Minimum charge of $15.25/month.
Industrial$0.45 per cubic meter or part thereof, computed to the nearest $0.05. Minimum charge of $15.25/month.

Sewer Rates

Single Family Residence$21.00$255.00
Manufactured Home Park
(Per Pad)
Secondary Suite, Apartment, Duplex, Multiplex
(Per Suite or Unit)
B&B, Boarding House
(Per Room)
RV Site/Campground
(Per Serviced Site)
(Per Classroom)
Hotel, Motel, Motor Inn
(Per Rentable Room)
(Per Washing Machine)
Office Building
(1-5 employees)
Office Building
(6-10+ employees)
Senior Discount25% discountif paid by due date

Solid Waste Rates

Single Family Dwelling$7.10$85.00
Manufactured Home Park
(Per Pad)
Secondary Suite, Apartment, Duplex, Multiplex
(Per Suite or Unit)
B&B, Boarding House
(Per Rentable Room)
RV Site, Campground
(Per Serviced Site)
(Per Classroom)
Hotel, Motel, Motor Inn
(Over 2 Rooms)
Office Building
(1-5 employees)
Office Building
(6-10+ employees)
Commercial Not Specified$85.00
Senior Discount25% discountif paid by due date