Friday, August 24, 2018 Fire Update –

The fire has not shown much growth overnight and remains at approximately 168 hectares. Yesterday, there were 2 fire retardant drops via air tanker between the South Flank of the fire and the hydro lines.

Current priorities on the South flank are to have personnel brush around the hydro lines to help prevent the fire from reaching the lines.

On the North flank of the fire, guards are being created using machines and will be tied into the Zeballos River in an effort to push the fire back up the mountain-side. Personnel will also be setting up a wet line between the Tsunami Evacuation Site sea cans and the base of the mountain.

You can help to protect your home. Here are a few easy fire prevention tips from the FireSmart Homeowner’s Manual:

  • Keep grass within 10 meters of any building mowed and watered
  • Position your propane tanks at least 10 metres from any building
  • Be sure your driveway is wide enough to accommodate emergency vehicles

Pick up your own copy of the FireSmart Homeowner’s Manual at the Post Office or Village Office.

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