Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Wildfire update:
The fire size and status remains unchanged. Priorities continue to be protecting homes and infrastructure on the north end of the fire, and power lines on the south end.
The North flank of the fire is still active, and flare-ups continue to be seen behind evacuated homes. The sprinkler system already in place will be maintained and expanded as necessary.
On the South flank, a rappel (RAP) crew is working to establish a heli-pad in a forest regeneration area. This will enable ground crews to set up a wet line on the South flank to protect hydro lines. Brushing work around the hydro poles has been completed.
Safety for all public and firefighting personnel remains a priority.
From the FireSmart Homeowner’s Manual:
Keep roadways and driveways clear! In an emergency, you and your family may need to leave your community while emergency responders enter. In order for this to happen safely and efficiently, consider the following tips:
- Clearly mark your property with your address.
- Clear vegetation and debris from your driveway.
- Ensure that a firetruck can reach your home: remove low-hanging branches that cross your driveway; and if parking on the street, ensure that you are fully off the road so a fire truck can still get through.
Pick up your own copy of the FireSmart Homeowner’s Manual at the Post Office or Village Office.
View PDF of this update here: Zeballos Wildfire Update – August 28